Gina Palazzari

Gina Palazzari


Commitment to CrossFit got me many firsts: knotted then straight rope climbs, double unders, strict and kipping pull ups, bar muscle ups, kipping handstand push ups, and PR’s in every lift (AND I keep getting stronger even though I’m also aging!)

Qualified for (PR 3:34:29) and ran Boston Marathon (2004)

Grand Canyon Rim to Rim hike (2017)

Completed 2 full Ironman races (Wisconsin 2018 and Lake Placid 2021)

Summited Cloud Peak, WY (2021)

St Croix 40 Winter Ultra (2023)

Tied for 3rd place Women’s division 2024

CrossFit Open finished 96th percentile Women 50-54 Worldwide


CrossFit Level 1 Coach Certificate

Pose Method(r) Certified

Running Technique Specialist CrossFit

Running Course CrossFit

Coaching the Aging Athlete Trainer

Masters degree in Teaching and Learning

About Coach

I started CrossFit at Una Stamus Fitness in April 2017 and with a few pauses to train for endurance events, have been a member ever since. Prior to falling in love/hate (ha!) with CrossFit, I was a runner, triathlete, and hockey player, did gym machines and yoga/Body Flow, weight lifting, and spinning classes at various YMCAs. I can also be found reading, walking Eugene (our Lab/Great Dane mix), downhill skiing or surfing with my husband Steve (and sometimes my two boys and his two boys), and enjoying local breweries.

Turning Point

Since college age, I would train for an event, then fall off the workout wagon, get un-fit, then get back on the wagon to train for another event. Or I would commit to a gym membership and classes and over time my interest would wane. In my early 40s, I was in the low part of one of those cycles, un-fit and not liking how I looked and felt. I went to hang my children’s bikes up in the garage, and I STRUGGLED and it made me mad that I had such a hard time doing that task. Not long after, I saw a Facebook ad for a boot camp-style class at CrossFit Una Stamus. I googled ‘CrossFit' because I didn’t even know what it was. It sounded a little ‘out there,’ but I was seeking something new and exciting. I figured I could do anything for 6 weeks, so I went in. I was hooked quickly! Early on, I got a real barbell in my hands for the first time and with skillful instruction learned to lift (no machines!) and was taught how to do rope climbs. I couldn’t believe I was learning these new skills at my age and with my inexperience. I started learning more about what CrossFit methodology is and how it started by watching YouTube videos of CrossFit founder Greg Glassman. The ‘why’ and ‘how’ really spoke to me. Soon after, the community at Una Stamus did, too. I was ALL IN.

Motivation & Passion

As a coach, I am most eager to help bring others into the CrossFit culture and experience a move toward greater wellness, fitness, and become part of this incredible, worldwide community. CrossFit is for EVERYBODY. “Our understanding is that the needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. One needs functional competence to stay out of the nursing home. The other one wants functional dominance to win medals,” says Greg Glassman. I believe this to my core and wish everyone young and old and in between would prioritize their wellness in their daily movement and nutrition decisions and give CrossFit a chance to improve their lives.

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