Overhead squat 215
Squat clean 235
10+ Ring Muscle Ups
20+ Bar Muscle ups
CrossFit L1
CrossFit Olympic Lifting
CrossFit Gymnastics
I've always liked fitness but I've never had the results I have with CrossFit. Plus it's different every day, always something to work on, always challenging in different ways, strategy in workout and I love partner WODS.
I don't really have a turning point but I knew I loved CrossFit right away. And I love to see others accomplish not just their goals but accomplish more than they ever dreamed. And they're having fun doing it!!
I really care about the health and fitness of our members. It's not about how much you can lift or how fast you can run but it's about coming every day and doing what you can so that when we get older we can still get up from the floor or couch or out of bed. We all need to exercise so why not do it where we can have fun at the same time.